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  • D
Intro :  
Ja  cob Green got busted for possession
next morning early he appeared in c  ourt
But he w  as sent to jail to wait
to be trialed a  t some later da  te
Next mo  rning early there came a sad rep  ort
At the   jail they took away his clothes to shame him
and to make sure Ja  cob Green had no pride left
They   cut of all his ha  ir
Toda  y they found him ha  nging there
a  fraid to face the   day he killed hi  mself
It ha  ppened yesterd  ay and if you tu  rn your head aw  ay
Som  ewhere in some di  rty hole the sce  ne will be reru  n
Not on  ly Jacob Gre  en but many mo  re you've never se  en
It could be so  meone that you lov  e gets   done
like Ja  cob Green got   done
It could be so  meone that you lo  ve gets d  one
like Ja  cob Green got d  one
Jac  obs father hired a team of lawyers
inspections and long inquiries were   held
The sher  iff then retired
and the papers   said two gua  rds were fired
They pu  t a brand new coat of paint on   Jacob's cell
But lik  e a tomb that looks so white and shiny
inside you'll find   corruption never seen
And s  omewhere out t  here tonight
In a   dirty cell with  out a light
T  here will be l  ocked up anoth  er Jacob Green
It ha  ppened yesterd  ay and if you tu  rn your head aw  ay
Som  ewhere in some di  rty hole the sce  ne will be reru  n
Not on  ly Jacob Gre  en but many mo  re you've never se  en
It could be so  meone that you lov  e gets   done
like Ja  cob Green got   done
It could be so  meone that you lo  ve gets d  one
like Ja  cob Green got d  one


migmig, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-12-01
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