


  • E
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  • G♭
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  • A♭
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  • E♭
  • E
O   Death where is thy sting?
O   Grief wh  ere is thy vi  ctor  y?   
O   Life y  ou are a shining pa  th
A  nd hope springs eternal just o  ver the rise
When I se  e my redeemer be  ckoni  ng m  e
O  h row my ship over the waves of your sea
Let me fi  nd a safe port now and th  en
Don't le  t the dark one in your sa  nctuary
Unti  l it's time to pack it i  n
O   row row my ship
With the fi  re of your breath
And do  n't lay a broadside on yo  ur ship as yet
B  low ye warm winds
When it's ch  illy and wet
And do  n't come to soon
For colle  cting my debt    
O   Death where is thy sting?
O   Grief wh  ere is thy vi  ctor  y?   
O   Life y  ou are a shining pa  th
A  nd hope springs eternal just o  ver the rise
When I se  e my redeemer be  ckoni  ng m  e                                  
O  h let me sail on
With my ship to the East
And ke  ep my eye on the North St  ar
When the jo  urney is no good for ma  n or for beast
I'll be   safe wherever you ar  e
Ju  st let me sail into your ha  rbor of lights
And th  ere and forever to ca  st out my light
Giv  e me my task
And let m  e do it right
And d  o it with all of my mi  ght   
O   Death where is thy sting?
O   Grave wh  ere is thy vi  ctor  y?   
O   Life y  ou are a shining pa  th
A  nd hope springs eternal just o  ver the rise
When I se  e my redeemer be  ckoni  ng m  e


mam1966, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-12-15
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