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  • B
    Oh come all you young fellers, so you  ng and so fin  e, seek   not your
fortune in the da  rk dreary min  d.  It'll form as a habit and seep   in your
so  ul, till the stre  am of you blood runs as black   as the coal.    Where it's
da  rk as the dungeon, dam  p as the dew.    Danger   is double, pleasures   are few,     
where the rain never falls, where the su  n never shin  es, it's dark   as the
dungeon way do  wn in the min  e.  Like a man with his dope, like a drunka  rd with
his wi  fe, a man   will have lust for the lure   of the mine.    And I'll pray when
I'm dead, and my ag  es shall rol  l, that my body   would blacken and turn   into
co  al.  And I'd look from the door of my heave  nly home   and pity   the miner
dig  gin my bone  s.  Where it's dark   as the dungeon, damp   as the dew.    Dangers    
are double, pleas  ures are few  , where the rain never falls, the sun   never
shi  nes, it's dar  k as the dungeon way down   in the mine.  


marthival, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2007-11-22
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