


Letras y música:John Denver
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
Intro :
Well I gu  ess that you probably know by now
I   was one who wanted to fly
I wanted to ri  de on that arrow of fi  re right up into he  aven
And I wa  nted to go for every man
Every chi  ld every mother of children
I wanted to ca  rry the dreams of all pe  ople right up to the sta  rs
And I pra  yed that I'd find an answer there
Or ma  ybe I would find a song
Giving a vo  ice to all of the he  arts that cannot be he  ard
And for a  ll of the ones who live in fear
And a  ll of those who stand apart
My being the  re would bring us a li  ttle step closer toge  ther
They were flying for m  e
They were fly  ing for everyo  ne
They were trying to se  e a brighter da  y for each and everyo  ne
They gave us their li  ght
They gave us their spi  rit and all they could be  
  They were fly  ing for me  
  They were fly  ing for me  
And I wa  nted to wish on the Mi  lky Way
And da  nce upon a fa  lling sta  r     
I wanted to gi  ve myself and fre  e myself and jo  in myself with it a  ll
Given the cha  nce to dream it can be done
The pro  mise of tomorrow is real
Children of spa  ceship Earth
The fu  ture belongs to us a  ll
She was flying for me  
She was fly  ing for everyo  ne
She was trying to se  e a brighter da  y for each and everyo  ne
She gave us her li  ght
She gave us her spi  rit and all she could be  
  She was fly  ing for me  
They were flying for me  
They were fly  ing for everyo  ne
They were trying to se  e a brighter da  y for each and everyo  ne
They gave us their li  ght
They gave us their spi  rit and all they could be  
  They were fly  ing for me  
  They were fly  ing for me  
  They were fly  ing for me  
  They were fly  ing for me  ...                           


migmig, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-09-11
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