


Letras y música:John Denver
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  lay in the life of th  e highway    
A  ll of my nights in old motels and sleepin  g alone
A  ll of my days on the road with no one be  side me
A  ll of my dreams of a   place that I can call h  ome
S  omewhere in the shade near the sou  nd of a sweet singin' r  iver
S  omewhere in the sun where the mountains make love to   the sky
S  omewhere to build me a faith a farm and a f  amily
S  omewhere to grow older and somewh  ere a reason to try         
'  Cause I'm tired of big cities and s  o tired of big city w  ays
S  cratchin' off sunsets and wal  kin' around in the   maze
S  ome sweet taxi dancer's tryin' to sa  ve me from bein'   alone
A  h it's much worse than lonely there is no   place that I really   belong
I   want to be ho  me
I  'm leavin' this city life In my mi  nd I'm flyin' aw  ay
I  'm leavin' tomorrow and all o  f the old yeste  rdays
I  'm leavin' the trash cans the bri  ght lights the telephon  e lines
I  'm leavin' my sorrows and  behi  nd         
T  o see what I f  ind
S  omewhere in the shade near the sound   of a sweet singin' r  iver
S  omewhere in the sun where the mountains make love to   the sky
S  omewhere to build me a faith a farm and a f  amily
S  omewhere to grow older and somew  here a reason to   try
S  omewhere to grow older some  where to lay down an  d die


gege27, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-09-23
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