


Letras y música:James V Taylor
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
There i  s a young cowb  oy he l  ives on the r  ange.
His h  orse and his c  attle are his o  nly co  mpanion.
He wo  rks in the s  addle and he s  leeps in the c  anyon.
W  aiting for s  ummer, his p  astures to c  hange.    
And a  s the moon rises he s  its by his f  ire.
T  hinkin' about w  omen and g  lasses of b  eer.
C  losing his eyes as the d  oggies ret  ire
He s  ings out a s  ong which is s  oft but it's c  lear
As i  f maybe s  omeone could h  ear.
G  oodnight you m  oonlight l  adie  s.
R  ock-a-bye s  weet baby J  ames.
D  eep greens and b  lues are the c  olors I c  hoose.
Won't you l  et me go   down in my   dreams.  
And r  ock-a-bye s  weet baby J  ames.
Now the   first of De  cember was   covered with   snow.
And   so was the   turnpike from   Stockridge to   Boston.
Lord the   Berkshires seemed   dreamlike on a  ccount of that   frosting.
With   ten miles be  hind me and   ten thousand   more to go.   
There's a   song that they sing when they   take to the   highway.
A   song that they   sing when they   take to the   sea.
A   song that they sing of their ho  me in the sk  y.
Maybe   you can be  lieve it if it   helps you to   sleep.
But   singing works just   fine for   me.    
G  oodnight you m  oonlight l  adie  s.
R  ock-a-bye s  weet baby J  ames.
D  eep greens and b  lues are the c  olors I c  hoose.
Won't you l  et me go d  own in my d  reams.   
And r  ock-a-bye s  weet baby J  ames.


Maryo, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2018-10-07
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