

Letras y música:James V Taylor
Capo III
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  He's got arms like   legs he  's got hands on his   feet
  He's got a nose like a   doughnut got a   tendency to ov  ereat
He d  on't use too  ls or weapons  h  e don't eat mea  t
  He likes to stick to th  e bushes   tends to avoid the s  treet
But   he rides my E  l Dorado baby w  hen he comes to   town
  You know he's out there   somewhere    trying to track you   down
  Look up in the   sky    mama that's th  e one yeah   uh huh
  See the mighty   profile    block the noonda  y sun
He c  omes from the hea  rt of darkness a thou  sand miles from he  re
  That's the land where they   understand what a   woman might like   to hear
You   know that he   loves you baby    for what you reall  y are
  His love is as bur  ning hot  as a   big old ten cent   cigar
 (gorilla   grunt  s)    (  x2)
  Now most of y'all have   seen a gorilla in   a cage at the loc  al zoo
  He mostly sits around c  ontemplating  all the   things that he'd prefer   to do
H  e dreams about the wor  ld outside from be  hind those bars of ste  el
  And no one seems to u  nderstand about the   heartache the man c  an feel
  The people stop an  d stare bu  t nobody seems   to care
  It don't seem   right somehow  it   just don't see  m fair
  Nononono nononono   tweet tweet doody doo   
Come on baby    he's still a gorilla (gorill  a grunts)     


beautifulemilie, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2023-03-17
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