


Letras y música:Andrew Hozier Byrne
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
It's not the wakin' it's   the risin'
It is the groundin' of a f  oot uncompromisin'
It's not forgoin' of the l  ie
It's not the openin' of e  yes
It's not the wakin' it's the r  isin'
It's not the shade we should be   cast in
It's the light and it's the o  bstacle that casts it
It's the heat that drives the l  ight
It's the fire it i  gnites
It's not the wakin' it's the r  isin'
It's not the song it is the s  ingin'
It's the heaven of the h  uman spirit ringin'
It is the bringin' of the l  ine
It is the bearin' of the l  ie
It's not the wakin' it's the r  isin'
And I could cry p  ower (power)
P  ower (power)
P  ower (power)
N  ina cried power
B  illie cried p  ower
M  avis cried p  ower
And I could cry p  ower
P  ower (power)
P  ower (power)
C  urtis cried power
P  atti cried p  ower
N  ina cried p  ower
It's not the war but what's b  ehind it
Oh the fear of how m  en is near assignment
And everythin' that we're d  enied
by keepin' the d  ivide
It's not the wakin' it's the r  isin'
And I could cry p  ower
P  ower (power)
P  ower (power)
N  ina cried power
L  ennon cried   power
J  ames Brown   cried power
And I could cry p  ower
P  ower (power)
P  ower (power)
B  illie cried power
J  oni cried po  wer
N  ina cried p  ower
And I could cry p  ower
Power has been c  ried by those stronger than me
Straight into the f  ace that tells you to r  attle your c  hains
If you l  ove bein' f  ree
Ah lord I could cry p  ower
P  ower (power)
'Cause power is my l  ove
when my love reaches   to me
James Brown cried   power
S  eeger cried p  ower
M  arvin cried p  ower
Yeah ah power
J  ames cried p  ower
M  illie cried power
P  atti cried power
B  illie power
D  ylan power
W  oody power
N  ina cried p  ower


JJQ49, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-22
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