


Letras y música:Byrne Andrew Hozier
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  I still watch you when you're g  roovin'
  As if through water from the bott  om of a pool  
You're moving withou  t moving
And w  hen you move I  'm moved
  You are a call to m  otion
  There all of you a ver  b in perfect vi  ew
Like Jonah on the   ocean
W  hen you move I'm   moved
When you m  ove I'm put to m  ind of all that I w  anna be
When you m  ove I could never d  efine all that you a  re to me   
So m  ove me baby  
Shake like the b  ough of a willow t  ree  
You do it nat  urally move   me b  aby
  You are the rite of   movement
  Its reasoning mad  e lucid and coo  l
And though it's no impro  vement
Whe  n you move I   move
  You're less Polu  nin leapin'
O  r Fred Astai  re in sequins honey
You   you're Atlas i  n his sleepin'
And w  hen you move I'm m  oved
When you m  ove I can recall   something that's go  ne from me
When you m  ove honey I'm put in a  we of somethin' s  o flawed and f  ree
So mov  e me bab  y
Shake like the bo  ugh of a willow t  ree  
You do it nat  urally move   me b  aby
So mo  ve me bab  y
Like you've nothi  ng left to prove        
And nothi  ng to lose move   me b  aby
O  oh ooh   ooh               
Oh baby oh b  aby
M  ove like grey sk  ies
Move li  ke a bird of paradi  se
M  ove like an odd sight come out   at night
So   move me   baby
Shake like the bo  ugh of a willow t  ree  
You do it nat  urally move   me b  aby
So mo  ve me bab  y
Like you've nothi  ng left to prove        
And nothi  ng to lose move   me b  aby
S  o move me baby  
Shake like the b  ough of a willow t  ree  
You do it   naturally move   me b  aby


yanndekoumac, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-10-16
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