


Letras y música:Schroeder John Francis, Hawker Michael Edwin
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
L  ook who it i  s)          
L  ook who it i  s)          
Well loo  k who it is fancy meeting you s  uddenly
Well loo  k who it is I can see you re  member me.
Yet i'm the on  e who believed I just didn't need you th  en started feeling blue
Lo  ok who it is   it's m  e and I st  ill love yo  u                 
We  ll look who it is did you think I've forgo  tten you
I   realize that you may have found so  meone new
but i just can  not pretend that I haven't missed you w  hy did I let you go
L  ook who it i  s it's m  e and I   love you s  o
B  aby now I re  alize   I have made a b  ig mistake
T  here are tear drops i  n my eyes
And my he  art is about to b  reak    
Well loo  k who it is with his hand reaching o  ut for mine
Well loo  k who it is everything's going to tu  rn out fine
oh I have w  aited so long and prayed that I'd meet you
y  ou with all your charms
Lo  ok who it i  s It's y  ou and you're i  n my a  rms (look who it i  s)          
Lo  ok who it i  s It's y  ou and you're i  n my a  rms (look who it i  s)          
Lo  ok who it i  s it's y  ou and you're i  n my   arms   (look who it is)


RockLisa, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-08
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