


Capo II
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|  _ _ _ | (ad libitum)
It's a story of a dog who lives out in Bell's Corner
This dog want to move in in Toronto and he can swing with the city dogs
They would not accept him 'cause of his lowly breed
But this dog has talents. Talents he displays on every street corner, lamp,
post, garden gate, kirk stone and fire hydrant in there.
He was out having a great piddling contest
  Well a farmer's dog once   came to town, by the   christian name of   Pete
And he   was a hound of   high renown and his   looks were hard to   beat  _
And   as he walked in  to the town 'twas   beautiful to   see
His   work on every   corner and his   mark on every   tree  _
As he   watered every   gateway and he   never missed a   post
'Cause   piddling was his   masterpiece and   piddling was his boast
|  _  _ |  _  _ |  d4,0 e6,0 gb6,2
Well the   city dogs stood   looking on with a   deep and envious   rage
To   see this simple   country dog, the   piddler of the age  _  _
They   sniffed him over   one by one and they   sniffed him two by   two
But   noble Pete in   high disdain stood   still till they were   through  _
And   as they sniffed him   over, their   praise for him ran   high
And   when one sniffed him   underneath Pete   piddled in his eyes
|  _  _ |  _  _ |  _  
W _         ell then   just to show these   city dogs that he   didn't give a damn  
Pete   strolled into the   grocer's shop and he   piddled on the ham       _
  Piddled on the   onions and he   piddled on the floor  
And   when the grocer   kicked him out, Pete   piddled on the   door  _
Well   behind him all the   city dogs de  bated what to do  
They'd   hold a piddling   contest to   show him who was who
|  _  _ |  _  _ |  
W _         ell they   showed Pete all the   piddling posts that   they knew about the town  
They   started out with   many wink to   get the poor dog   down  _
But   Pete was with them   every trick with   vigor and with   vim
For a   thousand piddles   more or less were   all the same to   him  _
And   all along went   noble Pete with hind   leg kicking high  
While   most were lifting   legs in bluff or   piddling mighty   dry
And   on and on went   noble Pete as he   watered every   sandhill
And   all the city   champions were   piddled to a standstill
|  _  _ |  _  d4,0 e6,0 gb6,2
W _         ell then   Pete an exhi  bition gave in   all the ways to   piddle
Like   double drips and   fancy flips and   now and then a   dribble _  _
And   all the time the   country dog did   neither wink nor   grin
But   piddled blithely   out of town as   he had piddled   in  _
Now the   city dogs said, "  So long Pete, you're   piddling did defeat   us?"
But   no one ever   put them wise that   Pete had dia  betes


Bernard Lebeau, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2023-05-15
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