


Letras y música:Gordon Lightfoot
Capo I
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|  _ _ _ |  _ _ _ |  _ _ _ |
With   la_-dyl _       ike_ de  vo-o_-tion_  _      she   sails_ the b _       itter_   o-ocean_ _ 
If it   wasn't for loves _     ick_   sailors_ t _           here'd_ be   nothing_ l _         eft_ but   flotsam_
S _        inging_   why_ m _     e oh   my_  _             is there a   better_ m _         an_ than   _I_
I hope you   find_ your w _          ay_ back_   home_
Bef _           ore you're   lying_ h _         igh_ and   dry_ _ 
I hope you   find_ your w _          ay_ back_   home_ bef _          o-ore you   die_ _  _  _
Her   sails_ billow_  _       like   bubbles_  _            while you   sip your d _       ai_-ly   dou_-bles_ _ 
If she   wasn't so fond_  _       of the   weather_ s _          he might_   give_ the d _         eckhands   trouble_
S _        inging_   why_ m _     e oh   my_  _             is there a   better_ m _         an_ than   _I_
I hope you   find_ your w _          ay_ back_   home_
Bef _           ore you're   lying_ h _         igh_ and   dry_ _ 
I hope you   find_ your w _          ay_ back_   home_ bef _          o-ore you   die_ _       _  _           | 
One   day_ when I_  _       grew   o-older_  _        and I   found_ I c _          ould not_   hold her_ _ 
She   took on_ a f _           ine young_   skipper_ w _         ho soon_   run her up_ o _     n_ a   boulder_
S _        inging_   why_ m _     e oh   my_  _             is there a   better_ m _         an_ than   _I_
I hope you   find_ your w _          ay_ back_   home_
Bef _           ore you're   lying_ h _         igh_ and   dry_ _ 
I hope you   find_ your w _          ay_ back_   home_ bef _          o-ore you   die_ _  _  _  _                   G! _ 
Now the   pleasures_ o _       f_ the   har-a-arbour_  _          don't in  clude_ a l _      a_-dy   barber_ _ 
If it   wasn't for L _         ong John   Silver a _         ll of us   pirates w _             ould've been   martyrs_
S _        inging_   why_ m _     e oh   my_  _             is there a   better_ m _         an_ than   _I_
I hope you   find_ your w _          ay_ back_   home_
Bef _           ore you're   lying_ h _         igh_ and   dry_ _ 
I hope you   find_ your w _          ay_ back_   home_
Bef _           ore you're   lying_ h _         igh_ and   dry_ _ 
I hope you   find_ your w _          ay_ back_   home_ bef _          o-ore you   die_  !


Bernard Lebeau, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2023-01-22
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