


Letras y música:Gordon Lightfoot
Capo II
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
| (x02224) _ (xx0222) _ |  _  _ |  _  ! _ |
 (silence)  All I'm  a  f_-ter_   _          is to be o (x03430)_n_    your_  winning si  de__ (32300x)               _ 
All I   need is_  _      to be   tur_-ning_  _           back the   tide__ _
'Cause I   care__ _      too  (1x0001)_mu-u-uch_  for the l  ife_   _        that I l  ead_  _ 
What you're   thinking_  _           could be   any_  _        -body's   guess_(020100)!                _ 
A _       ll I'm   af_-ter_  _         is the   sun_ and_  _         summer   nights_ _
By the   sea_-shore_  _             don't want   no_ more_  _       neon   lights_ _
Just the   sand__ _          and the   sk-y-y_  _          as_ the   hours_  _     roll   by-y-y_ _ 
Ain't it   funny_  _          how the  (x46654)world seems_  _ 
To be   back_ there_  _        in my   dreams_ _ 
All I   see is_  _       my re  flection_ _ 
In your   wild_ and_  _          winsome   ways_ _ 
Ain't it   funny_  _             life feels   different_  _        every   day_ !        _ 
| (x0222x) _  _ | (x02220) _ (1x0001) _ |
All I'm   af_-ter_  _               is to be the   flame_ in_  _          your tat  too_ _
Be the   one_ girl_  _          who can   thrill me_  _              through and   through_ _
This is j  ust__ _    a   gue-e-ess_  _        but I   must_  _     con  fess_ _ 
It feels   better_  _        being   certain_ _ 
Please ex  cuse_ my_  _          truthful  ness_ _ 
What I'm   seeing's w _       orth be  lieving_ _ 
When you   thrill me_  _           like you   do_ _ 
So you   wonder_  _         why my   feelings_  _        never   fade_ !
I t _              hink I got it   made__ _ _   ____       _ ___   _ ___    _ ___   _ ___       _ ___   _ __    _ 
And in the   evening_  _           when the   rain_ be_  _         -gins to   fall_ 
T _             hat's when I   won_-der_  _         if you   think_ of_  _        me at   all_ _
But you   sound__ _     so   sa-a-ad_  _          in your   _own_  special   wa-a-ay_ _ 
Ain't it   funny__ _             life feels   different_ _ 
With   each new_  _          passing   day_ _ 
All I   need is_  _       my re  flection_ _ 
In your   wild and_  _            windswept   ways_ _ 
Ain't it   funny_  _           how life   changes_  _        every   day_ !        _ 
| (x0222x) _  _ | (x02220) _ (1x0001) _ |
|  _  _ |  _ _ _


Bernard Lebeau, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2023-02-17
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