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  • B
T  he world is my oyster...
H  a ha ha ha h  a...
T  he animals are winding me u  p
T  he jungle call T  he jungle call
W  ho-ha w  ho-ha w  ho-ha w  ho-ha
I  n Xanadu did Kublai K  han      A ple  asuredome erec  t      
M  oving on k  eep moving on-y  eah    
M  oving at one million miles an h  our
U  sing my pow  er  I   sent   it by the hour         
I   have it so I'm mocking i  t
Y  ou really can afford it-ye  ah
R  eally can afford i  t
S  hooting stars never stopE  ven when they reach the top
S  hooting stars never stopE  ven when they reach the top
T  here goes a supernovaW  hat a pushover-yeah
T  here goes a supernovaWh  at a pushover
W  e're a l  ong way from home
W  elcome to the Pleasuredome
O  n our way h  ome
G  oing home where lovers roam
L  ong way from h  ome
W  elcome to the P  leasured  ome  
M  oving onK  eep moving on
I   will give you diamonds by the show  er
L  ove your body even when it's o  ld     
D  o it just as only I can do i  t
A  nd never ever doing what I'm t  old    
S  hooting stars never stopE  ven when they reach the top
S  hooting stars never stopE  ven when they reach the top
T  here goes a supernovaW  hat a pushover-yeah
T  here goes a supernovaW  hat a pushover
W  e're a l  ong way from home
W  elcome to the Pleasuredome
O  n our way h  ome
G  oing home where lovers roam
L  ong way from h  ome
W  elcome to the P  leasured  ome  
K  eep moving onGo  t to reach the top
D  on't stopPay lo  ve and life-oh my
 onOn again
S  hooting stars never st  op
S  hooting stars never s  top
S  hooting stars never s  top
E  ven when they reach the t  op
T  here goes a supernova
W  hat a pushover
S  hooting stars never st  op
E  ven when they reach the t  op
T  here goes a supernova
W  hat a pushover
T  here goes a superno  va
W  e're a l  ong way from home
W  elcome to the Pleasuredome
O  n our way h  ome
G  oing home where lovers roam
L  ong way from h  ome
W  elcome to the P  leasured  ome  
W  ho-ha w  ho-h  a    
W  elcome t  o the P  leasuredome
W  ELCOME... h  a ha ha h  a ha...
L  ong way from h  ome
W  elcome to the P  leasur  edom  e
Ha Ha Ha Ha


marvelousbob42, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-10-22
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