


Letras y música:Emily Loizeau
Capo III
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
I  t's a magical a  ffair
We are c  arried in the a  ir
In our d  reams
And they take us by the h  and
To the p  lace where they s  tand
In our d  reams
And they call us by our n  ames
And they s  ay we haven't c  hanged
In our d  reams
And we know that they don't l  ie
If they d  id they wouldn't c  ry
In our d  reams
In Our D  reams
In Our D  reams   
And w  e keep t  hem in our h  eart
Onl  y sle  ep keeps us a  part
And the w  ind f  ills our s  ail
And the w  ind fills o  ur sail
S  ometimes they remain in s  ilence
Sometimes t  hey provoke the v  iolence
Of our d  reams
We are weak and they are s  trong
They can c  arry us a  long
In our d  reams
And in everything they s  ay
There's a r  ule that we o  bey
In our dr  eams
We cherish each an every w  ord
And then we l  ose them and it h  urts
But we k  now that they l  ive
In our d  reams
And w  e keep t  hem in our h  eart
Onl  y sle  ep keeps us a  part
And the w  ind f  ills our s  ail
And the w  ind fills o  ur sail
We a  re the s  ailors of the d  ark
We a  re the s  ailors of the d  ark
I  t's a magical a  ffair
When they w  hisper in the a  ir
In our d  reams
And the stories that they t  ell
We don't k  now but we know w  ell
In our d  reams
And they call us by our n  ames
And they s  ay that we have c  hanged
In our d  reams
And we need to stay t  ogether
'Cause their w  ords we have to g  ather
In our d  reams
And w  e keep t  hem in our h  eart
Onl  y sle  ep keeps us a  part
And the w  ind f  ills our s  ail
And the w  ind fills o  ur sai


carillon, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-08-11
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