


  • E
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  • E
H  arry got up
D  ressed all in black
W  ent down to the station
A  nd he never came back
T  hey found his clothing
S  cattered somewhere down the t  rack   
And he w  on't be down on W  all Street
In the m  orning
H  e had a home
T  he love of a girl
B  ut men get lost sometimes
A  s years unfurl
O  ne day he crossed some line
A  nd he was too much in this w  orld   
But I g  uess it doesn't matter a  nymore
In a N  ew York Minute         
E  verything can change
In a N  ew York Minute         
T  hings can get pretty strange
In a N  ew York Minute         
E  verything can change
In a N  ew York Minute         
L  ying here in the darkness
I   hear the sirens wail
S  omebody going to emergency
S  omebody's going to jail
I  f you find somebody to love in this world
Y  ou better hang on tooth and n  ail    
The wolf is a  lways at the d  oor
In a N  ew York Minute         
E  verything can change
In a N  ew York Minute         
T  hings can get pretty strange
In a N  ew York Minute         
E  verything can change
In a N  ew York Minute                   
A  nd in these d  ays            
When darkness falls   early
A  nd people rush h  ome           
To the ones they l  ove
Y  ou better take a f  ool's advice            
And take care of you  r own
O  ne day they're h  ere
Next day they're g  one
I   pulled my coat around my shoulders
A  nd took a walk down through the park
T  he leaves were falling around me
T  he groaning city in the gathering dark
O  n some solitary rock
A   desperate lover left his m  ark    
"  Baby I've c  hanged. Please c  ome back"
W  hat the head makes cloudy
T  he heart makes very clear
T  he days were so much brighter
I  n the time when she was here
B  ut I know there's somebody somewhere
M  ake these dark clouds d  isappe  ar
U  ntil that d  ay I have to b  elieve
I b  elieve I b  elieve
In a N  ew York Minute         
E  verything can change
In a N  ew York Minute         
T  hings can get pretty strange
In a N  ew York Minute         
E  verything can change
In a N  ew York Minute                    


karismaph, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-08-24
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