


Letras y música:Paul Jonas, Jonas Joseph, Jonas Nicholas, Demitria Lovato
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
Intro :   (x4)
I   am confident but
I still have my moments.
Ba  by t  hat's jut m  e
I'  m not a supermodel.
I still eat McDonald's.
Ba  by t  hat's just   me.
So  me may sa  y I need t  o be afraid
of   losin  g everything
Bec  ause of where I had my start
And   where I   made my n  ame
But   everything  's the same
In   the La-la   land machine
Wh  o said i can't where my
Converse with my dress?
Oh   bab  y that's j  ust me!
Wh  o said I can't be single?
I have to go out and mingle.
Ba  by t  hat's not m  e!
So  me may sa  y I need t  o be afraid
of   losin  g everything
Bec  ause of where I had my start
And   where I   made my n  ame
But   everything  's the same
In   the La-la   land machine
Te  ll me   do you feel
the way   I feel?
'C  ause noth  ing else is real
In th  e La-la land machine
So  me may sa  y I need t  o be afraid
of   losin  g everything
Bec  ause of where I had my start
And   where I   made my n  ame
But   everything  's the same
In   the La-la   land machine.
And   nothings g  onna change
In   the La-la   land machine
And   I will s  tay the same
In   the La-la   lan  d machi  ne.                                              
I W  on't change anything in my life.
(I   won't chang  e anything in my life)
I'  m staying my  self tonight.
I  'm staying m  yself tonight)


adecorte95, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-09-10
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