


Letras y música:Bowie David
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
Intro :           
"  Look into my eyes" he tells her
"  I'm gonna say goodbye" he says yeah
"  Do not cry" she begs of him goodbye yeah
A  ll that day she thinks of his love yeah
T  hey whip him through the streets and alleys there   
T  he gormless and the baying crowd right there   
T  hey can't get enough of that doomsday song
T  hey can't get enough of it all
L  isten
"  Listen to the whores" he tells her   
H  e fashions paper sculptures of them   
T  hen drags them to the rivers ba  nk in the cart
T  heir soggy paper bodies wash a  shore in the dark
And the p  riest stiff in hate now d  emanding fun begin
Of his women d  ressed as men for the p  leasure of that priest
H  ere I am
N  ot quite dying
M  y body left to rot in a hollow tree
I  ts branches throwing shadows
O  n the gallows for me
A  nd the next day
A  nd the next
A  nd another day
I  gnoring the pain of their particular diseases
T  hey chase him through the alleys chase him down the steps
T  hey haul him through the mud and they chant for his death
A  nd drag him to the feet of the purple headed priest
F  irst they give you everything that you want   
T  hen they take back everything that you have   
T  hey live upon their feet and they d  ie upon their knees
T  hey can work with satan while they d  ress like the saints
T  hey know god exists for the d  evil told them so
They s  cream my name aloud down into the w  ell below
H  ere I am
N  ot quite dying
M  y body left to rot in a hollow tree
I  ts branches throwing shadows
O  n the gallows for me
A  nd the next day
A  nd the next
A  nd another day


yanndekoumac, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-08-23
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