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Intro :  
I   stick around and take it in
The   more you see the closer we'll   be
I   visualize us falling from the   towers of the 20th centu  ry
Where   people live in magazines and   video they're sleeping casual   - ly
Where a   cast of iron children are   contemplating anarchy   
  I'm talking   soul years
I'm talking about the soul years
  I'm talking   soul years
The   seed that fell on ston-ed ground has   risen  now
And needs to be re  leased
And   patients with their minds undone
Will   need to have their living years de  creased
The t  elephones are screaming
As the   whole metallic structure starts to b  urn
Which   goes to show the more you know
The more    you still have to learn  
  I'm talking   soul years
I'm talking about the soul years
  I'm talking   soul years
I'm talking about the soul year
  I'm talking   soul years
I'm talking about the soul years
  I'm talking   soul years
The   missionaries have all gone
The   patent leather nuns have come to   sing
The   matadors are drowned in blood
The   bull has won I knew he would be   king
The   disappointed drunken hordes
Are   ravaging the daughters of the   state
An  other fitting end to a   beautiful and sunny summer's   day
  I'm talking   soul years
I'm talking about the soul years
  I'm talking   soul years
  I'm talking   soul years
What happens in the soul years ?
  I'm talking   soul years


bouboule, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2015-08-31
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