


Letras y música:Alvin Stapleton Christopher, Beathard Casey Michael
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
Intro :     
W  ish I could come home from workin'
A  nd not have her checking my breath
I  'm tired of her turning her questions
I  nto the Gettysburg Address
T  here's no reason why she shouldn't trust me
T  he fact that she don't makes me mad
C  an't count all the times that I've begged her
H  oney just let my past be the past
I used to drink l  ike a fish and run like a dog
Done a whole lot  ta shit not permitted by law
P  eople called me the Picasso of painting the to  wn
I've final  ly grown up
I  've finally changed
And that someon  e I was
I  s somebody I ain't
But s  he finds it hard to believe that she's turned me around
Y  ou know I'll probably die before I live all my
U  p to no good livin' dow  n
G  ave up on bringing her flowers
T  hat just kept making things worse
I   ain't been guilty of nothing
B  ut being the man she deserves
I used to drink l  ike a fish and run like a dog
Done a whole lot  ta shit not permitted by law
P  eople called me the Picasso of painting the to  wn
I've final  ly grown up
I  've finally changed
And that someon  e I was
I  s somebody I ain't
But s  he finds it hard to believe that she's turned me around
Y  ou know I'll probably die before I live all my
U  p to no good livin' dow  n
I used to cuss li  ke a sailor and howl at the moon
I woke   up some mornings with I-don't-know-who
B  ut I never dreamed back then I'd have to pay for it now
Y  ou know I'll probably die before I live all my
U  p to no good livin' down        
Y  eah I'd hate to die before I live all my
Up to no good livin' do  wn    


Kyrstenaoda, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-10-07
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