


Letras y música:Charles Aznavour
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
The s  ound of your name comes to me any hour
On w  ings of the wind like the scent of a flower
How c  an I explain its impossible power
The s  ound   of your n  ame    
The s  ound of your n  ame is a V  alentine g  reeting
A b  ell when it rings and a heart when it's beating
And d  rawing a spell where all things keep repeating
The s  ound of your name
Your n  ame is a s  ong t  hat I lo  ng to   be wri  ting  
The m  usic is s  trong and the w  ords are inv  iting
Exc  hangeable m  elodies strang  ely exc  iting  
    I    fo  und in your   name      
The s  ound of your name can bring times of desire
That f  lares like a flame as it c  limbs   ever hi  gher  
That   burns in my   senses and   turns them to fire
The s  ound of your nam  e                          
But l  ove is a game that continuously changes
The p  layer discovers the risk and the dangers
We s  tarted as l  over  s we en  ded a  s str  anger  s
   Now where can I turn?
Your n  ame's the g  host o  f a ch  ance t  hat you gav  e me   
A g  rave little dance just en  ough   to ensl  ave m  e
And o  nly my grief what is there that can save me
If y  ou do  n't retu  rn     
At n  ight in my dreams you are there an obsession
I w  hisper your name like a prayer a confession
You've e  ntered my s  oul and you've t  aken p  osse  ssion  
And w  hom can I blame?
For y  ou are the heaven on e  arth   that I si  gh fo  r
The h  igh unattainable m  oon th  at I cr  y for  
As l  ong as I live I will live and I'll die for
The s  ound of your n  ame
Your n  ame your n  ame
Your name your n  a-a-a-ame             


Montana65, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-19
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