


Letras y música:Diane Eve Warren
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
Intro :           
S  o you're thinki  ng it's ending
B  ut it's only just beg  un
Your w  hole life is t  here right
Right in front of you
L  ife's a story that is a  ll twisted and t  urned
A  ll that matters is the lessons we l  earn
Because we're a  ll unfinished songs
Waiting f  or the best part to come along
Hey h  ey (Hey hey)
Hey h  ey (Hey hey)
And we're a  ll pictures that's drawn
We can b  e anything we want
Hey h  ey (Hey hey)
Hey h  ey (Hey hey)
N  ow is y  our time
It's y  our life
No one's living it but y  ou
In y  our hands is y  our cha  nce to live the life you choose
L  ife's like music
There's so m  uch still u  nsung
M  ake it magic
There's so much still to come
B  ecause we're all unfinished songs
Waiting f  or the best part to come along
Hey h  ey (Hey hey)
Hey h  ey (Hey hey)
And we're a  ll pictures that's drawn
We can b  e anything we want
Hey h  ey (Hey hey)
Hey h  ey (Hey he  y)
Y  ou can write a song and write the story
L  ive all of this life in all it's glory
T  ake the time to make the time to make each moment c  ount
It's your life
I  t's your call
Grab the c  hance
H  ave it a  ll     
B  ecause we're all unfinished songs
Waiting for the best p  art to come along
Hey h  ey
Hey h  ey
And we're a  ll pictures that's drawn
We can b  e anything we want
Hey h  ey (Hey hey)
Hey h  ey (Hey hey)
Because we're a  ll unfinished songs
Waiting fo  r the best part to come along (waiting for)
Hey h  ey
Hey h  ey
You can w  rite a song and write the s  tory    


Hans, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-18
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