

Letras y música:Yusuf Islam
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
Intro :                       
  Oh, I'm on m  y way,   I know I   am,      somewhere no  t so far   from   here,
  All I know is   all   I feel ri  ght now,
I feel a po  wer growing   in my   hair
Sit  ting on my   own, no  t by   my-self,   everybod  y's here   with   me,
  I don't need to t  ouch you  r face   to know,
And I don't n  eed to use my   eyes t  o see
    I keep on wo  ndering if I   sleep too   long,
    Will I always   wake up the   sam  e, o  r so  ,      
          And keep on won  dering if I s  leep too   long,
    Will I even   wake up a-  gain  , or   some  -thing
  Oh, I'm on m  y way,   I know I   am,
But ti  mes there were when   I though  t not  ,
Blee  ding half my s  oul in bad   comp  any,
I thank the m  oon I had the st  rength to   stop
Now, I  'm not making   love to   anyone's   wishes,
On  ly for that l  ight   I see  ,
-Cause when I  'm dead and lo  wered lo  w in m  y grave,
That's gonna be the o  nly thing that's   left o  f me
    And, if I   make it to the   wate  r-side,
    Will I even f  ind me a   boa  t, o  r so.  .. ?   
          And, if I ma  ke it to the w  ater  -side,
    I'll be sure to w  rite you a   not  e, o  r som  e-thing
  Oh, I'm on m  y way,   I know I   am,      somewhere no  t so far   from   here,
  All I know is   all   I feel ri  ght now,
I feel a po  wer growing   in my   hair
Oh, li  fe is like a   maze of   doors,
And they   all ope  n from the s  ide you're   on,   
Just keep   on pushing   hard,
Boy,   try as you   may, you're gonna   wind up where you   starte  d from,
You're gonna wind up where you sta  rted from


duellum, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2010-01-04
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