


Letras y música:Robert Clark Seger
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
Intro :  
W  ally's getting' anxious thinkin' 'bout tonight.
Bruce is all spiffy lookin' wicked lookin' right.
Eddie's getting' spruced and Donna's getting' loose.
They're passin' round the bottle and they're gettin' good and juiced.
B  .G.'s winin' dinin' checkin' talent at the club.
S  kipper's hauntin' second lookin' forward to his rub.
The b  usters from the country and the hitters from the shop
E  verybody wants to do the horizontal bop.
S  omeone bring the records someone get the brew
Someone get a house buddy we'll know what to do.
Someone tell the ladies someone make a deal
If we can't find a house someone better find a field.
G  rass is good as carpet anyplace is fine
It's t  ime to get to rockin' babe it's time to make it shine.
T  ell 'em we'll be dancin' dancin' till we drop
It's t  ime to get down and do the horizontal bop.
They're f  illin' up the corners they're fillin' up the streets
You can feel the tension you can almost feel the heat.
The music's gettin' louder the beat's gittin' fast
Summer's finally made it yeah its finally here at last
The p  ony cars are cruisin' on Woodward Avenue
G  o and try to pass 'em they'll smoke you if you do.
The w  hole town's shakin' from the bottom to the top
E  verybody wants to do the horizontal bop.
The b  usters from the country and the hitters from the shop
E  verybody wants to do the horizontal bop.
T  ell 'em we'll be dancin' dancin' till we drop
E  verybody wants to do the Horizontal Bop


enzobar, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-12-09
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