

Letras y música:Robert Dylan
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  • G♭
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  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  I laid on a dune, I l  ooked at the sky
When the ch  ildren were babies and p  layed on the beach
You came up behind me I   saw you go by
You were   always so closed an  d still within reach
  Sara  h,Sar  ah w  hatever made you wanna change   your mind   
  Sara  h, Sa  rah, so e  asy to look at, so h  ard to defin  e
  I can still see them playin' with their   pails in the sand
They r  un to the water their b  uckets to fill
I can still see the shells fallin'   out of their hands
As they f  ollow each other bac  k up the hill
S  arah  , Sar  ah,   sweet virgin angel, sweet lo  ve of my   life
  Sara  h, Sara  h, radi  ant jewel, mysti  cal wife  
  Sleepin' in the wood by a f  ire in the night
Dr  inkin'white rum in a Po  rtugal bar
Them playin'leap-frog and he  arin'about Snow White
Yo  u in the market place in Sa  vanna-la-Mar
  Sara  h, Sa  rah   it's all so clear I could ne  ver forge  t
S  arah  ,Sara  h lovin'  you is the one thing I'll neve  r regret    
  I can still hear the sounds of those   Methodists bells
I'd ta  ken the cure and had j  ust gotten through
Stayin'up for days in the Ch  elsea Hotel
Writin'"S  ad-Eyed Lady of the Lo  wlands" for you
  Sara  h, Sa  rah   wherever we travel we're ne  ver apar  t
  Sara  h, Sa  rah beau  tiful lady so dear   to my heart  
H  ow did I meet you,   I don't know
A   messenger sent me in a   tropical storm
You were there in the winter moonl  ight on the snow
And on L  ily Pond Lane when the   weather was warm
  Sara  h, Sa  rah   Scorpio Sphinx in a ca  lico dress  
  Sara  h, Sa  rah you mus  t forgive me my un  worthiness  
  Now the beach is deserted e  xcept for some kelp
And a p  iece of an old ship that l  ies on the shore
You always responded when I ne  eded your help
You gim  me a map and a   key to your door
  Sara  h, Sa  rah   glamorous nymph with an arr  ow and bo  w
  Sara  h, Sa  rah do  n't ever leave me, d  on't ever   go


Otros versións Airelle, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.1
Última modificación: 2015-04-18
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