


Letras y música:Robert Dylan
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
Well I'm s  ittin  g in ch  urch
In an o  ld wo  oden ch  air
I   knew   nobod  y
Would l  ook f  or me th  ere
Sorrow and pi  ty
Rule the earth and the skies
Looking for n  othing
A  nyone  's ey  es
Once I had pretty g  irls
Did me w  rong
Now I'm marching to the c  ity
And the ro  ad ai  n't lon  g
Snowfla  kes a  re fall  ing
Aro  und m  y hea  d
Lo  rd ha  ve mercy  
It fe  el he  avy like le  ad
I been hit too har  d
Seen too much
Nothing can he  al me now
B  ut yo  ur tou  ch
Once I had a pretty g  irl
She done me w  rong
Now I'm marching to the c  ity
And the r  oad a  in't lo  ng
L  oneli  ness    
G  ot a   mind of its ow  n
The m  ore p  eople aro  und
The m  ore y  ou feel alo  ne
I'm chained to the ea  rth
Like a silent slave
Trying to break f  ree
F  rom t  he death st  ockade
Once I had a pretty gi  rl
Done me w  rong
Now I'm marching to the c  ity
And the ro  ad ai  n't long  
Boys i  n the   street  
Beg  innin  g to pla  y
G  irls   like bir  ds
F  lying   away     
I'm carrying the r  oses
That were given to me
And I'm thinking about par  adise
W  onder  ing what it mig  ht be
Once I had a pretty g  irl
She done me w  rong
Now I'm marching to the c  ity
And the roa  d ain  't long  
Go   over   to Lond  on
Ma  ybe g  ay Paree  
Fol  low t  he river  
You   get   to the se  a
I was hoping we could dri  nk from
Life's clear streams
I was hoping we could d  ream
Lif  e's p  leasant dre  ams
Once I had a pretty g  irl
But she done me w  rong
Now I'm marching to the c  ity
A  nd th  e road ain't lo  ng
Well   the   weak get we  aker
And   the s  trong stay st  rong
The t  rain   keeps rolli  ng
A  ll ni  ght lo  ng
She looked at m  e
With an irresistible glance
With a smile  
That could   make   all the planets dan  ce
Once I had a pretty gi  rl
She did me w  rong
Now I'm marching to the c  ity
A  nd th  e road ain't lo  ng
My h  ouse   is on fir  e
B  urnin  g to the ski  es
I   thou  ght the rain cl  ouds
B  ut th  e clouds passed by  
When I'm gon  e
You'll remember my name
I'm gonna win my w  ay
T  o wea  lth and fam  e
Once I had a pretty g  irl
But she did me w  rong
Now I'm marching to the c  ity
A  nd th  e road ain't lo  ng


guitari9, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-19
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