


Letras y música:Robert Dylan
Capo I
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
In the t  ime of my conf  ession in the h  our of my deepest n  eed
When the p  ool of tears ben  eath my feet f  lood every newborn seed
There's a d  ying voice withi  n me r  eaching out somew  here
T  oiling in the d  anger and in the m  orals of despair.
Don't h  ave the inclination to look b  ack on any mist  ake
Like Cain I now behold this chain of ev  ents that I must b  reak
In the f  ury of the m  oment I can s  ee the master's h  and
In e  very leaf that t  rembles in e  very g  rain of s  and.
Oh the f  lowers of indulg  ence and the w  eeds of yestery  ear
Like c  riminals they have c  hoked the breath of c  onscience and good cheer
The s  un beat down up  on the steps of t  ime to light the w  ay
To e  ase the pain of i  dleness and the m  emory of decay.
I g  aze into the doorway of t  emptation's angry f  lame
And every time I pass that way I a  lways hear my n  ame
Then o  nward in my j  ourney I c  ome to unders  tand
That e  very hair is n  umbered like e  very g  rain of s  and.
I have g  one from rags to r  iches in the s  orrow of the n  ight
In the v  iolence of a s  ummer's dream in the c  hill of a wintry light
In the b  itter dance of l  oneliness f  ading into s  pace
In the b  roken mirror of i  nnocence on e  ach forgotten face.
I h  ear the ancient footsteps like the m  otion of the s  ea
Sometimes I turn there's someone there other t  imes it's only m  e
I am h  anging in the b  alance of the r  eality of m  an
Like e  very sparrow f  alling like e  very g  rain of s  and.


Guitare1958, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-25
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