


Letras y música:Bob Dylan
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
Fat m  an lookin' in a blade of steel        thin man lookin' at his last   meal
H  ollow man l  ookin' in a cotton   fiel  d for dignity
W  ise man lookin' in a blade of g  rass   young man lookin' in the sh  adows that pass
P  oor man loo  kin' through painte  d gl  ass for dignity
S  omebody got murdered on New Year's Eve
S  omebody said dignity was t  he first to leave
I   went into the cit  y went into the town
W  ent into   the l  and of the midnight sun
S  earchin' high searchin' low s  earc  hin' everywhere I kn  ow
A  skin' the c  ops wherever I go   "Hav  e you seen Dignity?"
B  lind man breakin' out of a tra  nce   puts both his hands in the po  cket of chance
H  opin' to find one circumstance of d  igni  ty
I   went to the wedding of Mary-L  ou s  he said I don't want nobody s  ee me talkin to you
S  aid she could ge  t killed if she told me what   she knew a  bout dignity
I   went down where the vultures feed
I   would've gone deeper but   there wasn't any need
H  eard the tongues of   angels and the tongues of men
W  asn't any   diff  erence to me
C  hilly wind sharp as a razor bl  ade   house on fire debts u  npaid
G  onna stand at   the window gonna ask t  he maid "Ha  ve you seen dignity?"
D  rinkin' man listens to the voic  e he hears i  n a crowded room full of cover  ed up mirrors
L  ookin' into   the lost forgotten   yea  rs for dignity
M  et Prince Philip at the home of the bl  ues said he'd   give me information if his name   wasn't used
H  e wanted mo  ney up front said   he w  as abused by dignity
F  ootprints runnin' cross the silver sand
S  teps goin' down into tatto  o land
I   met the sons of da  rkness and the sons of light
I  n the bor  derto  wns of despair
G  ot no place to fade got no co  at I  'm on the rollin' river in a   jerkin' boat
T  ryin' to re  ad a note somebody   wrot  e about dignity
S  ick man lookin' for the doctor'  s cu  re lookin' at his hands for   the lines that were
A  nd into eve  ry masterpiece of l  iter  ature for dignity
E  nglishman stranded in the black  hear  t wind combin' his hair back   his future looks thin
B  ites the bu  llet and he looks w  ithi  n for dignity
S  omeone showed me a picture and I just laughed
D  ignity never been photogra  phed
I   went into the red   went into the black
I  nto the v  alley   of dry bone dreams
S  o many roads so much at stake   so   many dead ends I'm at the ed  ge of the lake
S  ometimes I   wonder what it's go  nna   take to find dignity


philou2585, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-10-12
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