


Letras y música:John Buckner Crawford
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
S  o quickly t  ime will come and t  ime will go
It r  uns on by  
It steals your h  opes and dreams and o  ne last chance
You n  ever know  
I   can see it now  
I   can feel its s  colding hand
S  aying come on now you've g  ot to run
Y  ou wonder c  an you stop the h  ands of time
Erase y  our fate  
H  e's laughing k  nowing that he's g  ot control
Just w  atch and wait  
I   can see it now  
I   can hear the whis  pered voice
T  elling me now you've got no   time to waste
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
And you've g  ot to see
You have the answer you h  ave the strength
There's n  o denying it's i  n your hands
It's i  n your hands
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
L  iving breathing t  ouching feeling
H  oping dreaming s  till deceiving
S  earching finding l  osing crying
K  now the truth you're d  ying
Oh you're d  ying
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
R  emember w  ho you are and w  hat you have
The t  ime is yours
Y  our flame is b  urning down so g  uard it well
It m  ay go out  
I   can see it now  
I   can see the e  nd of time
Holding the answers to a  ll your fears
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time
(it's a m  atter of t  ime) it's j  ust a m  atter of   time


[anonyme], versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2023-05-30
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