


Letras y música:Jimmy L Webb
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
A  ll week long we've been l  ooking at horizons and i  t's hard on the brain
S  ometimes I wonder is it the c  ar or the highway that r  olls through the rain
This d  ay has no number this d  ay has no name
But it's t  ime for the w  eekend all the s  ame      
Why don't you p  ut on your Saturday Suit l  et's fly aw  ay
We can f  ind ourselves a little caf  é where the s  treet people c  ome to p  lay
And let the w  ine and the s  unshine blow our m  inds awa  y
S  aturday Suit me f  ine...  today
A  ll week long we've been s  itting on our islands lo  oking within
S  ometimes I know it must seem   like we'll never be happ  y again
Put on   your makeup and I'll s  hine my shoes
I know tha  t it's Monday   but I'm bored w  ith the   blues
Why don't you p  ut on your Saturday Suit l  et's fly aw  ay
We can f  ind ourselves a little caf  é where the s  treet people c  ome to p  lay
And let the w  ine and the s  unshine blow our m  inds awa  y
S  aturday Suit me f  ine...  today


Kyrstenaoda, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-09-26
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