


Letras y música:Anna Christine Nalick
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
Intro :      (x4)
  He rai  sed his hand    
For the la  st time she could sta  nd
And the ro  om was a gr  ave that ni  ght
  She le  ft a note   it said "I'  m not coming ho  me"
It took co  urage but sh  e took fli  ght
  And what are you rea  lly holding on  to?   
  Life is a ti  ghtrope and you're bu  rning burning bu  rning both ends
  It don't always mo  ve the way it ou  ght to    
But don't l  et the gro  und dra  g you arou  nd
And the  se old wi  ngs
Have be  en a long time
Been a lo  ng time coming
The  se old wi  ngs
  Just gotta be go  od for something
Bu  rn these stri  ngs
  So I can se  e what these old
Bro  ken thin  gs
What the  se old wi  ngs can do
  She so  ld the car   for $110  0 bucks   
And a bo  ttle of som  ething sweet   
  She cau  ght a train   and cou  nted seven stop  s
And go  t off when she   felt free   
  And what are you rea  lly holding on  to?   
  Life is a ti  ghtrope and you're bu  rning burning bu  rning both ends
  It don't always mo  ve the way it ou  ght to    
But don't l  et the gro  und dra  g you arou  nd
And the  se old wi  ngs
Have be  en a long time
Been a lo  ng time coming
The  se old wi  ngs
  Just gotta be go  od for something
Bu  rn these stri  ngs
  So I can se  e what these old
Bro  ken thin  gs
What the  se old wi  ngs can do
    Flyy  yyyy  yyyy  y
    Flyy  yyyy  yyyy  y
Fly  yyyyyy  yyyy  
O  ld wi  ngs hi  gh
  She fou  nd herself   
Where pe  ople go in glo  om
For frie  nds that are b  uried the  re
  She wro  te a note   to Go  d in a ballo  on
And wa  tched as it d  isappe  ared
  And what are you rea  lly holding on  to?   
  Life is a ti  ghtrope and you're bu  rning burning bu  rning both ends
  It don't always mo  ve the way it ou  ght to    
But don't l  et the gro  und dra  g you arou  nd
And the  se old wi  ngs
Have be  en a long time
Been a lo  ng time coming
The  se old wi  ngs
  Just gotta be go  od for something
Bu  rn these stri  ngs
  So I can se  e what these old
Bro  ken thin  gs
What the  se old wi  ngs can   do


tonibarlo, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-25
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