


Letras y música:Hogarth James Dearness, Amy Winehouse, Stock Larry Lawrence, James Freddie
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
Intro :             
  When I walk i  n your shoes
I u  nderstand a m  an confused.
There m  ust have been
But I   don't care
I f  eel the way
Your s  oul does there.
  Darling they e  mpathise
  Looking through
Your b  loodshot eyes.
  And I know you;
You're s  o frustrated
  Above we all become
What w  e once hated.
Be-s  ides n  obody
Can b  e that wise.   
  I can't help y  ou
  If you won't
  Help your-s  elf.                        
  I can't help y  ou
  If you won't
  Help your-s  elf.                        
  You can only g  et
  So much f  rom
Someone e  lse.                        
  I can't help y  ou
  If you won't
  Help your-s  elf.                        
  You've got a degree
A-i  n philosophy
  So you think
You're clever-e  r than me.
But I  'm not just
Some d  rama queen
'Cos it's w  here you're at
Not w  here you've been.
So w  hat do you
Ex-p  ect from me
To h  old your head
A-b  ove the sea?
And c  arry you
Even t  hough you're bigger
'Cos d  on't you know
You crush my t  iny figure?
And a  nyway
We're s  till so young
And t  his isn't y  esterday.
  I can't help y  ou
  If you won't
  Help your-s  elf.                        
  I can't help y  ou
  If you won't
  Help your-s  elf.                        
  You can only g  et
  So much f  rom
Someone e  lse.                        
  I can't help y  ou
  If you won't
  Help your-s  elf.                        
  You might be twenty five
But i  n my mind
  I see you as s  ixteen years old
  Most of the time.
  And I'm just a child
  And you're full grown
And y  ou are like nothing
I've e  ver known.


n507, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-08-29
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