


Letras y música:Finian Greenall Paul, Amy Winehouse
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
S  imple sweet g  uitar
H  umbled by the  b  ass.
S  o when the beat k  icks in
E  verything falls into p  lace.
And it ove  rpowers me               
I c  an't help but dance             
You   can try to stop me now
B  ut you won't g  et the chance
  Half time time to   think it th  rough
C  onsider the change
  See it from a different   view
  Half time time to   think it th  rough
C  onsider the change
R  hythm floods my   heart
T  he melody it fee  ds my soul
T  he tune tears me   apart
A  nd it swallows me w  hole
You should thank your luck  y stars             
'Cause the   music is a gif  t          
And it's stronger tha  n all else
P  rovides me with   uplift
  Half time time to   think it th  rough
C  onsider the change
  See it from a different   view
  Half time time to   think it th  rough
C  onsider the change
M  y lyrics reveali  ng
S  ome natural vibe  
S  ome kind of laid   back feeling
O  h just let it r  ide
And when Frank Sinatra si  ngs                 
It  's too   much to ta  ke
So I sing the sta  ndard shit
I  t pacifies my ac  he
  Half time time to   think it th  rough
C  onsider the change
  See it from a different   view
  Half time time to   think it th  rough
C  onsider the change


n507, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-10-13
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