


Letras:Kirk Hammett, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Alberto d'Ascola
Música:Kirk Hammett, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
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|   |   |   |   | (x2)
Inna the   streets busy life is a   chapper
While you at you   work you affi stay on the   upper
Those who dis  agreed choose the way of   a Dapper
Those who blend   right in choose the book and   the laptop
  Who have hears to hear listen   to what mama said
  Sit down inna church and be   quiet and pray
You   taking on the wrong pled  ge
Your life not granted
  So your story echoe  s in my head
What I've   felt
What I've k  nown
Never sh  ined through in what I've   shown
Never b  e
Never se  e
Won't   see what might have   been
What I've   felt
What I've k  nown
Never sh  ined through in what I've   shown
Never fre  e
Never m  e
So I   dub thee unforg  iven
This is the   story of a man I used   to know
He never   listen to his dad an m  otha words
He found   shelter inna wrong pla  ce
Friends with a screw fa  ce
Then killed by   their wrong ways
   Justice no kind
   It's vision blind
   Forward with the sentence
  No judge can't rewin  d
Rest indeed yea  h
Rest in peac  e
Rest in m  e
What I've   felt
What I've k  nown
Never sh  ined through in what I've   shown
Never b  e
Never se  e
Won't   see what might have   been
What I've   felt
What I've k  nown
Never sh  ined through in what I've   shown
Never fre  e
Never m  e
So I   dub thee unforg  iven
|   |   |   |   | (x2)
There's still   a place that once you   called your own
No  t a war zone no  t a funeral home
  Silent, no mor  e music, no sou  nd
Under the moonlight in  na a small town
   Guiltiness   rest on their shoul  ders
So for the   wicked man
His days   are numbered
Rest i  ndeed yeah
   Rest in m  e
What I've   felt
I've   known         
Never fre  e
Never   me         
What I've   felt
What I've k  nown
Never sh  ined through in what I've   shown
Never b  e
Never se  e
Won't   see what might have   been
What I've   felt
What I've k  nown
Never sh  ined through in what I've   shown
Never fre  e
Never m  e           
|    |    |    |    | (x4)
|     |


Dggjcvgnspg, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2020-03-19
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