

Letras y música:Alanis Morissette, Michael Farrell
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
Intro :           
The f  irst thing that you'll n  otice is some
S  eparation f  rom each other
Y  es it's a li  e; is that we've b  een
Believing since ti  me immemorial
T  here was an ap  ple there w  as a snake there
W  as division
T  here was a s  plit there was a c  onflict in
The f  abric of life                     
O  ne became t  wo and then e  veryone was out fo  r
E  veryone was pi  tted against each o  ther
Conflict r  uled the realm
A  ll our devo  tions and tempe  raments are
Pulled f  rom different wells  
They seem to e  asily forget   we are ma  de of
The s  ame cells               
To my bo  y: a  ll that ene  rgy so wil  d
All you h  ues   and your bl  ues in eq  ual measure
Your c  omings and your g  oings-away         
My m  ission is to k  eep the l  ight in your e  yes
A  blaze                
The se  cond thing you'll no  tice is that of  ten
We think t  hat there's not enou  gh
It might feel d  ark it might feel l  onely and
You'll wo  nder why you're h  ere
You may be ov  ercome with d  arkness and a
S  ense of hopelessne  ss
But it won't m  atter if you k  eep your core
Co  nnected to the o  ne-ness                
To my g  irl:   to your inn  ocence and fi  re
When you r  each out   I am here H  ell or High
W  ater
This n  est is never g  oing away         
My m  ission is to k  eep the l  ight in your e  yes
Ab  laze               
And this c  ord is unbr  eakable
This p  ilot light is there in your p  ocket
And this b  ond beyond un-s  hakeable
E  ven if we all forge  t all at the s  ame time
A  ll at the s  ame time  
If we forg  et at the sa  me time                                   
The t  enth thing you might n  otice is that
E  veryone has fa  ntasies
Di  fferent perspect  ives they would l  ikely
Fight o  ver who is right   and
Who is the b  est? Who has w  on? Who's better
T  han the other?
N  one of that will ma  tter much when yo  u
Return to y  our place in the s  un         
Your p  lace in the s  un                 
To my g  irl:   all your in  nocence and f  ire
When you r  each out   I am here H  ell or High
W  ater
This n  est is never g  oing away          
My m  ission is to k  eep the l  ight in your
E  yes
To my b  oy a  ll that en  ergy so wi  ld
Love your h  ues   and your b  lues in equ  al
Your co  mings and your g  oings-away         
My mi  ssion is to k  eep the l  ight in your e  yes
Ablaz  e                  
T  he first thing that you'  ll notice is that
Eve  rything is t  emporary                     
The n  ext you might n  otice is that w  e will
Always   be a famil  y                  
My m  ission is to k  eep the li  ght in your ey  es
A  blaze


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-10-01
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