


Letras y música:Ulvaeus Bjoern K, Bror Andersson Benny Goran
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  I've always hated my room it's so gloomy and dreary
Always too dark for the windows just    face the back    yard
So I              can  't understand how it's happened how everything's  c  hanging
This old    dirty ceiling seems a little whiter    
When you    walked into the room it all got so    much brighter
You must have a    love    light
Everything around you is love      lig  ht
And I can feel your love every    where
  Baby    even when you're not    there
The    love    light
Everything around you is    love    light
You're shining like a star in the    night
  I won't let you    out of my sight    
  I don't want to    lose you I don't want to lose your    lovelight
H  ow I remember the first time we went to a movie
We had decided to meet on a corner down  town             
And I w  aited   ther  e when you came up from behind and you kissed me     
And the tra  ffic seemed to get a little lighter    
When you ca  me into my life it all got so much br  ighter
You must have a    love    light
Everything around you is love      lig  ht
And I can feel your love every    where
  Baby    even when you're not    there
The    love    light
Everything around you is    love    light
You're shining like a star in the    night
  I won't let you    out of my sight    
  I don't want to    lose you I don't want to lose your    lovelight
And I    feel    so    good
And I    feel    so    right
And I    know    that  y  ou must have a    lovelight
You must have a    love    light
Everything around you is love      lig  ht
And I can feel your love every    where
  Baby    even when you're not    there
The    love    light
Everything around you is    love    light
You're shining like a star in the    night
  I won't let you    out of my sight    
  I don't want to    lose you I don't want to lose your    lovelight
C9/4 : x33333
C/E  : xx213


americanzdream, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-08-16
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