


  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
Intro :        
  Doted on like   seeds planted i  n rows
The un  tied shoel  aces of you li  fe
Nurtured all y  ear then pressed in a   book
Or dis  played in bad t  aste at the ta  ble
Problems a  rise and you fan the f  ire
While there's   a wild pack of dogs loose   in your house tonight.
Cut from   bad cloth or soiled like soc  ks
Add it up and   basically people ne  ver change.
They just talk and make plans in th  e dark
Or make h  aste with ideas that can'  t help
But creep good peop  le out
As you talk   to me too much you're ass  uming
  We don't always wan  t what's right  .        
  Did I strike the   right set of chords ? you  're annoyed.
The goa  l is to ig  nite you then move   on.
You feel ill a  t ease. you got n  o squeeze.
And the   wise cracks won  't make you more s  table.
You've learned   you lines to scale a  nd to time.
Why must I rem  ind you now i'm only less   able.
Cut from bad c  loth or soiled like   socks
We're ordinary   people we can't help but   to change
As we walk and make   plans in the dark
Or make ha  ste with the boy who can't   help
But creep good peopl  e out.
As you talk   to me too much you're a  ssuming
We don't alwa  ys want what'  s right.       
  Two fallen sa  plings in an open f  ield.
Snow padding g  ently on an empty b  ench.
An old woman's j  ewelry lying una  dorned.
Cold nesting   robins allied for th  e first time.
I know when y  ou hear these sa  ppy lines
You'll roll yo  ur eyes and say "ni  ce try".


[anonyme], version 1.0


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Version: 1.0
Last modifications: 2007-02-13
WarningWarning on the copyrights covering the texts