

Lyrics and music:Yusuf Islam
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  Oh trouble set me free
  I have se  en your face
And it's   too much too much for   me           
  Oh trouble can't you see
  You're eating my   heart away
And there's n  othing much left of   me
                    I    dr  ank   your   wine          
You have made your work mine             
So won't you be   fair
So won't you be f  air
  I    d  on't want no more of you
So won't you be k  ind to   me
Just let me go w  here
I have to go the  re            
  Oh trouble move away
  I have see  n your face
and it's   too much for me to  day           
  Oh trouble can't you see
  You have made   me a wreck
Now won't you le  ave me in my mise  ry
        I've  seen your eyes
and I can see dea  th's disg  uise
Hangin'on m  e
Hangin'on m  e
  I'm      beat and torn
Shattered and tos  sed and w  orn
Too shocking to s  ee
Too shocking to se  e             
  Oh trouble move from me
  I have pa  id my debt
Now won't you le  ave me in my mis  ery           
  Oh trouble please be kind
    I don'  t want no fight
And I hav  en't got a lot of time     


[anonyme], version 1.0


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Version: 1.0
Last modifications: 2013-11-06
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