


Lyrics and music:Camille Dalmais
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
Intro :     
S  eeds of love the seeds of letters seed of rustling leaves and flowers seeds of r  ave
S  eeds of passion seeds of suffering seeds of strawberry fields forever seeds of g  race
S  eeds of peaches seeds of beacons seeds of   peace and seeds of hope
S  eeds of paste pine or pepper seeds of glory s  eeds of gold
How can you s  erve them
How can you s  poil them
How can you t  rade them
How can you g  row - grow
S  eeds of sorrow seeds of sterile landscapes seeds of devastated corn seeds of s  train
S  eeds of misery seeds of melancholy seeds of watermelon and seeds of w  aste
S  eeds of silence seeds of slum and seeds of h  unger seeds of stone
S  eeds of modern leaves to somalize the many seeds of c  old
How can you b  uy them
How can you s  ell them
How can you t  rade them
How can you d  o so - ooo
    T  um Tum T  um  T  um  T  um
How can you b  uy them?
How can you s  erve them?
How can you t  rade them?
How can you d  o so - ooo?
S  eeds of love and seeds of baffle seeds of blue eyes-I spell it "button seeds of M  ay"
S  eeds of children seeds of prose but only seeds of what's going to happen:
seeds of c  hange
Seeds of c  hange
S  eeds of c  hange


Camille069, version 1.0


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Version: 1.0
Last modifications: 2022-11-18
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