


Lyrics and music:Bob Dylan
Capo II
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
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A  ll through the s  ummers into J  anuary   
I  've been visiting m  orgues and   monaster  ies
L  ooking for the n  ecess  ary bo  dy p  arts     
L  imbs and l  ivers and   brains and   hearts
I'll bring s  omeone to life is what I wanna do
I wanna c  reate my own  version  o  f  yo  u                 
Well it m  ust be the w  inter of   my disc  ontent
I wi  sh you'd've taken me w  ith you where  ver you   went
They t  alk all night   and t  hey ta  lk a  ll day    
N  ot for a m  inute do I bel  ieve anyt  hing they say
I'm gon' bring s  omeone to life someone I've never seen
You k  now what I mean you know exactly what I m  ean                      
I'll take the S  carface Pac  ino and The Go  dfather   Brando
Mix it u  p in a t  ank and get a r  obot com  mando
I  f I do it upr  ight   and put the he  ad o  n str  aight
I'll be s  aved by the c  reature that I crea  te       
I'll get b  lood from a c  actus gunp  owder from   ice
I don't g  amble with c  ards and I d  on't shoot no   dice
If you l  ook at my f  ace w  ith your si  ghtl  ess eye  
  Can you cross your h  eart and h  ope to die?  
  I'll bring someone to life someone for real
S  omeone who feels the way that I fe  el
I study S  anskrit and A  rabic to imp  rove my   mind
I wanna d  o things for the b  enefit of a  ll manki  nd
I s  ay to the willow t  ree "  Don'  t we  ep for me"  
I'm saying: "To h  ell to all t  hings that I u  sed to b  e
Well I g  et into t  rouble then I h  it the wa  ll
N  o place to t  urn no p  lace at   all
I'll pick a n  umber bet  ween   a-on  e an  d two  
And I a  sk myself "W  hat would Julius C  aesar d  o?"
I will bring s  omeone to life in more ways than one
Don't m  atter how long it takes it'll be done when it's do  ne
I'm gonna m  ake you play the p  iano like   Leon Rus  sell
L  ike Liber  ace like St. Jo  hn the A  postle
I'll p  lay every n  umber   that I   can   play  
I  'll see you m  aybe on J  udgment   Day
  After midn  ight if you s  till wanna   meet
I'll be at the B  lack Horse T  avern on Armag  eddon St  reet
T  wo doors d  own n  ot t  hat   far a walk  
I  'll hear your f  ootsteps you w  on't have to k  nock
I'll bring s  omeone to life balance the scales
I'm not g  onna get involved any insignificant d  etails
You can b  ring it to St. P  eter you can b  ring it to J  erome
You can b  ring it all the way o  ver bring it a  ll the way   home
B  ring it to the c  orner   where the ch  ildr  en pla  y
You can b  ring it to m  e on a s  ilver t  ray
I'll bring someone to life   spare no expense
D  o it with decency and common se  nse
Can you t  ell me what it means   to be or n  ot to be?   
  You won't get aw  ay with f  ooling m  e
Can you h  elp me w  alk t  hat mo  onli  ght mil  e?
Can you g  ive me the b  lessings o  f your s  mile?
I'll bring s  omeone to life use all of my powers
D  o it in the dark in the we  ...e small hours
I   can see the h  istory of the w  hole human   race
It's a  ll right t  here it's c  arved into your   face
S  hould I break it all d  own?   Should I fa  ll o  n my kne  es?
I  s there light at the e  nd of the tunnel can you t  ell me p  lease?
S  tand over t  here by the c  ypress t  ree
Where the Trojan w  omen and children were s  old into s  lavery   
L  ong before the f  irst   Crusa  de          
Way b  ack before E  ngland or Am  erica were   made
S  tep right i  nto the b  urning h  ell
Where some of the be  st-known e  nemies of m  ankind d  well
Mr. F  reud with his d  reams   Mr. Ma  rx w  ith his axe  
See the r  aw hide lash r  ip the ski  n from their   backs
  Got the right s  pirit you can f  eel it you can   hear it
You've g  ot what they c  all the imm  ortal sp  irit
You can f  eel it all n  ight   you can fe  el i  t in the mor  n'
It c  reeps in your b  ody the d  ay you were   born
O  ne strike of l  ightning is a  ll that I   need
And a b  last of elect  ricity that r  uns at top   speed
S  himmy your r  ibs I  'll st  ick   in the kni  fe
Gonna j  umpstart m  y crea  tion to li  fe
I wanna b  ring someone to life turn back the years
D  o it with laughter and do it with t  ears


philou2585, version 1.0


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Version: 1.0
Last modifications: 2022-08-30
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