Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
I'm not   coming with y  ou ton  ight
I'm gonna t  alk myself e  mpty,
then I'm gonna s  ay good night
You're just n  ot what I h  ad in m  ind
And you m  ight be good looki  ng,
but you just d  on't look right
But I'm not   gonna t  ell you toni  ght
I'm gonna l  ie and clai  m
I've had the t  ime of my life
But tomorr  ow I'm n  ot gonna c  all
My c  onscience, it w  on't
  bother me at all
  But hey  , you made my day         
  I've been all ex  cited in that   prema  ture   way
Now you're part of the game
You're going h  ome al  one ton  ight
When you w  ake up in the m  orning
you're gonna b  e all right
There might be   coffee o  n your s  tove
If you w  ant to, you can c  hoose
to leave the d  ay alone
You can sink   down bet  ween the shee  ts
You can o  pen up the w  indow
and let the s  un come in
You can do   whate  ver you w  ant
But toni  ght, you're going h  ome alo  ne
  But hey  , you made my day         
  I've been all ex  cited in that   premature way   
  But hey  , you made my day         
  I've been all ex  cited in that   prema  ture   way
Now you're part of the game


[anonyme], version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2006-12-07
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