Artistes :

Titres :

Paroles et musique :John Denver
Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  To sail on a drea  m of a crystal clear oc  ean, to ride on the crest of a
wild raging   storm. T  o work in the service of l  ife and the living in s  earch
of the a  nswers to questions   unknown. To be   part of the movement and   part
of the growing   part of beg  inning to unde  r stand.
  Aye calyps  o the places youve been   to the thin  gs you show u  s the stories you
t  ell. Ay  e calypso i s  ing to your spirit the   men who have ser  ved you so
l  ong and so   well.                                                  
Lik  e the dolphin who guides you  , you bring us beside   you to light up the
darkness and s  how us the   way. For   though we are strangers in y  our silent
world to   live on the l  and you must learn from the   sea. To be   true as the
tide and fr  ee as a wind-swell   joyful and lo  ving in letting i  t be.
  Aye calyps  o the places youve been   to the thin  gs you show u  s the stories you
t  ell. Ay  e calypso i s  ing to your spirit the   men who have ser  ved you so
l  ong and so   well.                                                  
  Aye calyps  o the places youve been   to the thin  gs you show u  s the stories you
t  ell. Ay  e calypso i s  ing to your spirit the   men who have ser  ved you so
l  ong and so   well.                                                  


Maryo, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2019-02-08
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