Artistes :

Titres :

Tonalité :
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  Any dolt with half a brain
Can see that human kind has gone insane
To the point where I don't know
If I'll upset the status quo
If I throw poison in the water main
  Listen close to   ev'rybody's heart
  And hear that breaking   sound
  Hopes and dreams are   shattering apart
  And crashing to the   ground
I   cannot believe my   eyes
How the   world's filled with   filth and   lies
But it's   plain to see  
Evil in  side of me   is on the   rise.
  Look   arou  nd
W  e're living with the lost   and   found
J  ust when you feel you've al  most   drowned
Y  ou find yourself on so  lid g  round
And you be  lieve there's good in   ev'rybody's heart
  Keep it safe and   sound
   With hope   you can do your part
To   turn a life   around
  I cannot believe my   eyes
  Is the world finally   growing   wise?
'Cause it   seems to me   
Some kind of   harmony   is on the   rise.
  Take          it      slow
Anyone with half a brain
He looks at  me    and  seems          to        know
Could spend their whole life howling in pain
The things that I'm afraid                      to      show    And    suddenly
Cause the dark is everywhere And Penny doesn't seem to care
I  feel                    this    glow
That soon the dark in me is all that will remain
And I   believe there's good    in   ev'rybody's heart
Lis- ten close to ev'rybody's heart
  Keep it  safe and   sound
And hear that breaking sound
        With hope        you can do your part
Hopes and dreams are shattering apart
  To  turn  a life  around.
And crashing to the ground.
I   cannot believe my   eyes
I cannot believe my eyes
How the   world's fin-  ally   grow- ing   wise
How the world's filled with filth and lies
        And it's plain to   see
But it's plain to see
  Rapture in- side of me   
Evil inside of me
Is on the   rise
Is on the rise


Rose Reine, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2019-02-05
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