Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
He rape  d me in the cha  let lines
The gir  l I shared with was aw  ay for the night
I co  uldn't g  et up for my shi  ft today
I'll have to le  ave the camp now   anyway
I'll go to Lo  ndon there's a m  ate of mi  ne I kn  ow
she'll give me a pl  ace
Full of wo  e and further to g  o
He rape  d me in the chal  et lines
I ha  d just said no for the fin  al time
Alt  hough it's la  st month it's like y  esterday
I missed my ti  me, I don't think I   could stand
To take the te  st, I'm feeling s  ick
Fuck th  is, I've fe  lt like this for a we  ek
I'd put a kni  fe right into his ey  es
My fri  end can't s  ee
She asks me wh  y I don't
Tell the la  w
Oh what's the fu  cking po  int at al  l      
He ra  ped me in the cha  let lines
It   was a party, it was goi  ng fine
Wi  th the bo  ys from the amus  ement park
A few were id  iots, they were a re  ally good laugh
They had the sho  ws on till way aft  er da  rk
I hop  e she'll give me a pla  ce
Full of wo  e and further to g  o
She caug  ht the b  us
"Oh I'll go a  nywhere"
She caught the b  us
Her face was ju  st a sme  ar on the pa  ne


[anonyme], version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2007-06-20
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